Digital advertising can be frightening with so many factors to consider. Deciding where to allocate spend, creating relevant advertisements, managing upkeep all while questioning if the results will be worth it. Will the efforts capture qualified leads and result in leases? For some communities, digital marketing is another added stressor to day-to-day operations. With 65% of prospects starting their apartment search by clicking on an ad, digital advertising is necessary. BH Marketing committed to taking what is stressful but necessary and making it worth it.
BH took matters into its own hands, with the creation of Aylist. Aylist is BH’s in-house advertising platform focusing on digital advertising on Google, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube allowing BH to replace the use of agency fees for pay-per-click advertising and lower management fees for its communities. With Aylist, ads only show when a floor plan is available to lease based on real-time unit availability data in BH’s property management software. Aylist takes what’s important to renters—availability, pricing and leasing specials and combine those with factors like commute time, weather and events to capture better qualified leads.
Aylist has allowed communities to get more results for less spend with costs being only 8% of advertising budgets. On average, ad spend has decreased by 30% paired with a 12% higher click-through-rate and up to 5x more leases. Aylist is now an official Google Partner and a Participating Member of the Facebook Partner Program with the biggest perk being savings in ad credits and the elimination of agency fees resulting in zero ad spend wasted. The days of accounting for agency fees in advertising budgets are over for BH communities.
Key Takeaways
- Ads are automatically curated when units are available to lease
- 12% higher CTR than national average
- No 3rd party agency fees