Each month, BH features a different member of our wildly awesome Executive Team. In this Q&A format, they share thoughts on their role, their career, and the direction of the company in their own words. This month, we are excited to highlight Christi Weinstein, COO, Strategic Support Solutions.
Q: What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing? How will you overcome it?
The biggest challenge I’m facing is the rapid advancement of technology, coupled with change fatigue and time poverty. How do you #getitalldone while making an impact? Keeping up with tech feels like a full-time job on its own and implementing some of these great solutions takes considerable care, time, and consideration. Implementing new tech is not a quick decision, yet the technology is changing at a fast pace, how do you balance this?
If there is a magic wand out there, I hope someone shares it with me! The good news is that this challenge isn’t for me to solve all by my lonesome – collective brainpower to the rescue! One of the things we do really well at BH is align opportunity with strategy. We ask ourselves “Will this technology support BH’s strategic vision?” Once a decision is made, explaining “the why” for the need for the change is so important. The past year taught me that explaining the why should be a constant, not a one-and-done. In addition to explaining the why, experiencing the why is just as important.
Q: What is something you are most proud of working for BH?
Our people-first mentality! Decisions are made, and action occurs with “people first” in mind. Whether making a technology change or providing services or new benefits, understanding the impact on our employees and residents is critical.
I’m so proud to work for an organization that prioritizes people through programs like Babies at Work, Positive Rent Reporting, and Rent-Free Holidays. In addition to the amazing programs offered through BH, we also spend many waking hours focused on “the experience” and how we can improve those experiences with innovative technology that really does help us create spaces where people live and thrive.
Q: What is your favorite BH value, and why?
This is a tough question because all our values are significant. If I had to pick just one as my favorite, it would be “Have the Guts for Greatness.” To me, this value means being more than mediocre, not settling for less, pushing the limits of possibilities, thinking outside the box, and being and working with the best of the best.
Q: What “keeps you up at night”?
I spend a lot of time reflecting, and often, I find myself rewinding the day just before bed. I wrestle with thoughts of how I could have handled a situation better or differently: Did I provide enough recognition for the hard work that is happening? Does my team know I care about them and their success – am I enough?
It’s not all wrestling with thoughts, though; often, it’s tempering excitement about an amazing conversation with a peer, an incredible idea that surfaced in a casual conversation, or dreaming of future possibilities.
Q: What helps you sleep at night? (In other words, what things help you handle the everyday challenges of your position?).
I sleep peacefully every night because we have THE BEST people working at BH! I know that our support teams will get the job done…they have an incredible work ethic, care about our fellow BH’ers, and have standards that are unmatched. I know our work makes a difference in BIG ways and that living here means living more.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time to relax?
There is not much free time that includes relaxation with two very busy teens who keep me incredibly busy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. When I do have that rare day at home on the weekend, my favorite thing to do is stay in my pajamas all day, curl up on the couch, and binge-watch all the shows I’ve been missing. I’m always looking for the next series or movie to add to my watch list for these lazy, bucket-filling days!